Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Getting Back on Track

Vacations are amazing, but they really have a way of throwing me off track! A few tips for staying active and how to bounce back!

Active Vacation:
1. Bring workout equipment! I always pack my dumb bells, kettle bells, and yoga mat in my car when ever I go on vacation. You never know when you will have a chance to workout, so you must be prepared!
2. Print up a few workout routines! Make sure you have a cardio, calisthenics, yoga, morning wake-up routine, and a stretch routine ready to go for both motivation and direction.
3. Plan outdoor activities! Staying active doesn't mean you have to do a workout. You may just choose to take a walk on the beach, chase your kids around the park, or hike with a friend. Active rest days are always better than nothing!
4. Choose healthier food options! Eating healthier foods will help give you energy and motivate you to be active. You won't want to exercise if your eating take-out everyday!

Bouncing Back:
1. Day one Detox! Don't try to jump right back into working out (unless you did great on your vacation). Drink plenty of water, enjoy a nice detox tea (my favorite is Yogi tea), and eat 5-6 small, clean meals, and do a stretch or yoga routine.
2. Create a workout schedule and meal plan for the first week back. More than likely your going to struggle to get out of vacation mode, so a visual aid is a perfect way to set yourself up for success.
3. Try a new workout, go to the gym, or workout with a friend! Motivation can come in many forms, so shake it up a little to help yourself get excited about working out again.
4. Give yourself a break! Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't meet all your goals for the first week back. Bouncing back is hard, so do your best! Also, create a workout schedule and meal plan for the following week, keeping in mind what your struggles were from week one, and make adjustments!

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